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(925) 398-3461
Review turnaround time: 4-6 weeks.
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Professional review: 400-600 words.
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How We Work
We review books from the big 5 houses, small presses, Indie & self-publishers.
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Simply order the book review package by clicking "Select" on the "Get your book review " page. After payment, you will be redirected to our Book Questionnaire form. Please fill out the form and click the submit button at the bottom.
Reviews posted on Marl Noble Book Review are visible to industry influencers, agents, publishers, and readers.
Submit Book Manuscript
You can choose to mail your book to our editors or upload a PDF of your manuscript. Detailed instructions will be provided after you place your order.Our reviewers include librarians, business executives, journalists from national publications, PhDs in religion and literature, creative executives in entertainment and publishing, and other seasoned professionals.
Review Completed
After your review is finalized, Marl Noble Book Review will send you the review as a PDF tear sheet along with a link to Marl Noble Book Reviews. You're free to feature it on your book's back cover, marketing materials, website, or when communicating with agents or publishers.
Marl Noble Book Review links authors with professional book reviewers and showcases their reviews to over 50,520 subscribers through our free monthly newsletter, which features both fiction and nonfiction book reviews. What sets our publication apart is that we provide book seals, and we guarantee that your review will reach 100,000 readers within the first month of distribution.